Dynamic Fields

Now that you have basic knowledge of onePlace Modules, and how they are structured, we'll show you the easy way to add new fields to your modules.

Add new field to database

The easiest way to add a new field is to add it to an existing tab within an existing form. All you have to do, is to add it to the database. onePlace will take care of the rest, to attach it to your Entity Model, have Getters and Setters, add corresponding HTML Element to Forms, and display on Index Tables if wanted.

No single line of code is needed for this.

The easiest type of field is a text field as shown below

INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`) VALUES (NULL, 'text', 'Label', 'label', 'module-base', 'module-single', 'col-md-3', '/module/view/##ID##', '', '0'); 

Dynamic Field Types


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `name` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'text', 'Name', 'name', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-12', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `description` TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'textarea', 'Description', 'description', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-12', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `date_received` DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'date', 'Date received', 'date_received', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-12', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `datetime_received` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER `modified_date`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'datetime', 'Datetime received', 'datetime_received', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `time_received` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00:00' AFTER `modified_date`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'time', 'Time received', 'time_received', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `phone` VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'tel', 'Phone', 'phone', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `email_addr` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'email', 'E-Mail', 'email_addr', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 

File Upload

ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `myfile` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'upload', 'File', 'myfile', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-5', '', 'skeleton/##ID##', '', 0, 1, 0, '', '', '');


ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `currency` FLOAT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'currency', 'Currency', 'currency', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-12', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES
(NULL, 'gallery', 'Gallery', 'gallery', 'skeleton-gallery', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-12', '', '', 0, 1, 0, '', '', ''); 

You should have an own tab for gallery field how-to add new tab


Based on onePlace Tag Module

The easiest way to use select is with tags. all you have to do is to set the correct url_list to point to your form and tag type (category in this example). OnePlace Core comes with category and state tag already shipped. If you need other tags, add a new tag first

ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `category_idfs` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `Skeleton_ID`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES
(NULL, 'select', 'Category', 'category_idfs', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '/tag/api/list/skeleton-single/category', 0, 1, 0, 'entitytag-single', 'OnePlace\\Tag\\Model\\EntityTagTable', 'add-OnePlace\\Tag\\Controller\\TagController');

Based on onePlace Contact

You can also use the select to point to any skeleton based module with an API that has a list function that supports select2. In this example we use the Contact Module to set a manufacturer.

ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `manufacturer_idfs` INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `Skeleton_ID`; 
(NULL, 'select', 'Owner', 'manufacturer_idfs', 'skeletonrequest-base', 'skeletonrequest-single', 'col-md-2', '', '/api/contact/list', '0', '1', '0', 'contact-single', 'OnePlace\\Contact\\Model\\ContactTable','add-OnePlace\\Contact\\Controller\\ContactController'),

Simple "yes" or "no" select

INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES
(NULL, 'select', 'Still in use', 'still_in_use_idfs', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-2', '', '/application/selectbool', 0, 1, 0, '', 'OnePlace\\BoolSelect', '');

Custom Data source


Based on onePlace Tag Module

INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES
(NULL, 'multiselect', 'Test Tag', 'testtag_idfs', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '/tag/api/list/skeleton-single_1', 0, 1, 0, 'entitytag-single', 'OnePlace\\Tag\\Model\\EntityTagTable', 'add-OnePlace\\Tag\\Controller\\TagController');


With partials, you can load sub templates with all data from the current view.

INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'partial', 'My Partial', 'mypartial', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-12', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 

You should have an own tab for partial field how-to add new tab

ALTER TABLE `skeleton` ADD `featured_image` VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `label`; 
INSERT INTO `core_form_field` (`Field_ID`, `type`, `label`, `fieldkey`, `tab`, `form`, `class`, `url_view`, `url_list`, `show_widget_left`, `allow_clear`, `readonly`, `tbl_cached_name`, `tbl_class`, `tbl_permission`) VALUES 
(NULL, 'featuredimage', 'Featured Image', 'featured_image', 'skeleton-base', 'skeleton-single', 'col-md-3', '', '', '0', '1', '0', '', '', ''); 

After SQL installation of field

Add Field Permissions

Then go to user manager - select user, edit, and add the new fields so you can see/edit them You can also add to index column if you like.

Have fun