
From 1.0.6 onePlace Core supports hooks for different events.

You can use it to customize core functions to your needs without changing core modules or code - which gives you more update compatibility for your custom oneplace app.

Registering a hook

To add a hook simply register it to the certain action you want.

We advice you to add your hooks in Module.php of your module, but you can use the register function in every controller just make sure you have an import for Application\Controller\CoreEntityController

CoreEntityController::addHook('hook-name',(object)['sFunction'=>'your Function','oItem'=>new PluginController()]);

Available hooks

Here you have a list of already existing hooks in onePlace Core


no parameters


available parameters:

oItem - Skeleton Model with Data
aRawData - Raw Form Data

prototype for function

function yourHook($oItem,array $aRawData) {}


available parameters:

oItem - Skeleton Model with Data
aRawData - Raw Form Data
bSave - True if save function succeeded so far

prototype for function

function yourHook($oItem,array $aRawData,$bSave) {}


available parameters:

oItem - Skeleton Model with Data

prototype for function

function yourHook($oItem) {}


available parameters:

oItem - Skeleton Model with current Data
oNewItem - Skeleton Model with new Data
aRawData - Raw Form Data

prototype for function

function yourHook($oItem,$oNewItem,array $aRawData) {}


available parameters:

oItem - Skeleton Model with Data
aRawData - Raw Form Data
bSave - True if save function succeeded so far

prototype for function

function yourHook($oItem,array $aRawData,$bSave) {}