
onePlace ships with a global quick search. each module with a single-form gets added to quicksearch automatically.

there are several options to customize quicksearch to your needs



The quicksearch customattribute lets you add an custom attribute to quicksearch to search with, default is "label" - your extra field gets added as a 2nd query (or)

Just add the setting for your module. Replace skeleton with your module and custom_attribute with your attribute (db column name)

INSERT INTO `settings` (`settings_key`, `settings_value`) VALUES
('quicksearch-skeleton-customattribute', 'custom_attribute');

it can also be an object of you have more than 1 attribute or you need options fields array with fields e.G


seperator string with seperator between fields

{"seperator": " - "}

format string with custom format type (date/datetime) default is text

{"seperator": " - "}


INSERT INTO `settings` (`settings_key`, `settings_value`) VALUES
('quicksearch-skeleton-customresultattribute', '{\"fields\":[\"custom_date\"],\"seperator\":\" - \",\"format\":\"datetime\"}');


The quicksearch likeall lets you change the query for your module. default search is "PATTERN%" (so the result MUST begin with PATTERN) with this option enabled, it changes to "%PATTERN%" (so result must contain PATTERN no matter where) Note that this options slows the query function down so use it only when necessary

Just add the setting for your module. Replace skeleton with your module

INSERT INTO `settings` (`settings_key`, `settings_value`) VALUES
('quicksearch-skeleton-likeall', '1');


The quicksearch customresultattribute lets you add a custom attribute to the displayed results default is "LABEL", with this option enabled result will be shown as "LABEL (CUSTOM)"

Just add the setting for your module. Replace skeleton with your module and custom_attribute with your attribute (db column name)

INSERT INTO `settings` (`settings_key`, `settings_value`) VALUES
('quicksearch-skeleton-customresultattribute', 'custom_attribute');


The quicksearch customlabel lets you change the default attribute for quicksearch for your module.

Just add the setting for your module. Replace skeleton with your module and custom_attribute with your attribute (db column name)

INSERT INTO `settings` (`settings_key`, `settings_value`) VALUES
('quicksearch-skeleton-customlabel', 'custom_attribute');